Commercial Pest Control

How is commercial pest control different from my regular service?

Pest control services in the commercial market can vary as much as the number of customers requiring service, for every customer has its own set of circumstances needing attention. Usually pest control in the commercial market is performed on a more frequent basis e.g. either on a Monthly (1 time per month) or a Bi-weekly (2 times a month) usually the 1st and 3rd week. The reasoning behind the increased frequencies of service is based upon the well known fact that it’s not so much that you do not have to control your pests, but however you do have to keep the pests that your customers and vendors bring to your place of business, under control. Roaches, both the German and American species are usually a problem that will need to be addressed on a regular basis.

Another reason to have increased service visits would be to split up the property treated into manageable segments that the technician could perform in a reasonable amount of time, e.g. Quarterly Service w/90 day warranty, treating 1/3 the buildings every month with free recalls on areas treated the previous 2 months.

Rodents and other animal pests are a frequent commercial pest control problem that occurs on a regular basis. Most commercial accounts have elected increase coverage to include at least rodents. Depending upon the structural integrity of the building being covered there are a multitude of trapping / exclusion / baiting strategies that we would employ.

All commercial accounts are bid on an: as seen basis, no phone proposals will be offered. Please call or schedule your FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE.

Call Now for a Free Estimate

(210) 637-1130 Bexar County, (830) 228-4484 Comal County