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Pest Problems To Be on the Lookout for This Winter

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Pest Problems To Be on the Lookout for This Winter

Monday, November 14th, 2022

As the winter months approach, it’s important for San Antonio homeowners and business owners to be aware of the potential pest problems that can arise. While many pests may retreat indoors to escape the cold, others may seek out warmth and food sources, leading to infestations. Here are some of the most common pest problems to be on the lookout for this winter:

  1. Rodents: Rats and mice are common pests that can cause damage to buildings and contaminate food. They are attracted to warm, sheltered areas and may try to enter homes and businesses in search of food and shelter.
  2. Cockroaches: These pests can survive in a variety of conditions and are commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. They can also spread diseases and trigger allergies, making them a serious health concern.
  3. Bed Bugs: These tiny pests can hide in bedding, furniture, and clothing, and are difficult to spot. They can cause itchy bite marks and are known for being hard to get rid of once they infest a home or business.
  4. Termites: These pests can cause significant structural damage to homes and buildings. They are often active during the winter months and can be difficult to detect until it’s too late.
  5. Spiders: Spiders often seek shelter indoors during the colder months, which can lead to an increase in spider bites and webs in your home or business.

Preventing these pests from entering your home or business is key to avoiding infestations. Seal cracks and crevices in the building’s exterior, store food in sealed containers, and keep indoor areas clean and clutter-free. Regular pest control services can also help to detect and prevent infestations.

If you suspect a pest infestation, it’s important to take action quickly. Contact us to conduct an inspection and develop a plan to eliminate the pests and prevent future infestations. Don’t let pests ruin your winter, be proactive and take steps to protect your home or business!

Why Good Pest Control Is Important for Your Business

Monday, August 15th, 2022
businesses with bugs

As a business owner in South Texas, regular pest control is vital to protect your property and reputation from the damages and health risks caused by pests. Common pests found in San Antonio include cockroaches, ants, spiders, and rodents. These pests can not only cause structural damage to your building and inventory, but they can also spread diseases, trigger allergies and negatively impact your reputation.

Customers and clients may be less likely to visit or do business with a company if they know it has a pest problem. Regular pest control can help prevent infestations and keep your business free of pests, maintaining a positive reputation and protecting your bottom line.

Also, the warm and humid climate in South Texas provides an ideal environment for pests to thrive, which is why it’s essential to have regular pest control services. With regular pest control, business owners can take proactive measures to prevent infestations, rather than waiting for a problem to occur and then trying to solve it.

Regular pest control services include inspections, treatments, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that pests are kept under control. A good pest control company will provide you with a customized plan to fit your specific needs and budget.

In conclusion, as a business owner in South Texas, regular pest control is essential to protect your property, inventory, and reputation from the damages and health risks caused by pests. It can also help maintain a positive reputation and protect your bottom line. Don’t wait for a pest infestation to occur, invest in regular pest control services to keep your business pest-free!

Cockroach Problems Can Worsen In the Summer Heat

Sunday, May 15th, 2022
dead cockroach

The summer heat can drive pests into your home in search of food and water, especially cockroaches. With the weather reaching triple-digit temperatures recently, more and more roaches will be trying to enter your home in San Antonio this summer.


Avoiding Flea Infestations

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Flea infestations are very unpleasant to say the least, both for you and your pets. Preventing fleas starts with understanding how fleas are introduced into your home in the first place.

Most of the time, fleas enter the home when a pet brings them in from the yard. Fleas use animals as hosts, and they can jump large distances, which allows them to jump on passing animals. This allows them to travel great distances, right into your yard and then into your home.

Fleas can also travel on old furniture, infested clothing, linens or even the clothing of a human guest whose home is infected. Because of their small size, they can directly enter your home through cracks in the floor, window seals or screens.

Only a few fleas are needed to start an infestation because they can can lay hundreds of eggs before they die. After a few days the eggs hatch and the larvae spin cocoons and emerge after several weeks.

To get rid of fleas, you should begin by washing or trashing and bedding or blankets where the fleas’ ‘hosts’ spend their time. The cocoons are resistant to insecticide, but after using a flea treatment, frequent vacuuming will encourage the fleas to exit the cocoons, where they will be vulnerable to the insecticide.

If your flea infestation doesn’t get better after about a month, it may be time to re-treat or call a professional.

How Do Pests Get Into My Home?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Does it seems that no matter how hard you try to seal up holes and cracks around your home, insects still find their way in? Here are some common entry points for insects like ants and spiders:


Damaged screens or seemingly tiny gaps around screens insects entry into your home. Even when windows are closed, ants or rodents can create holes that lead into the walls of your home.


Doors aren’t always as well-sealed as you think. Door frames often have gaps that can allow entry for bugs. Weather stripping on doorways, especially sliding glass doors, can develop cracks and holes.


While your garage is open, many pests can make their way inside. Once in the garage it’s easier for them to invade the rest of your home.


Home foundations have pipes and conduits that pass through. Gaps around them or chipped mortar can allow a way in.


Items like used furniture, antiques, plants, even Christmas trees can contain pests or insect eggs.

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Friday, August 7th, 2020

Does it seem impossible to keep spiders out of your home? Spiders and their webs seem to regularly appear no matter how well your home is sealed and cleaned.

The Importance of Moisture Control

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Most homeowners realize the best way to deter unwanted pests is to clean thoroughly and remove trash. But one often overlooked prevention measure is controlling moisture in and around your home.

Even in a dry climate, moisture can cause big problems in a short amount of time when it comes to inviting pests to take up residence in and around your property.

A relatively small amount of water or a leaking pipe provides sufficient water to attract bugs and rodents. It’s worthwhile to perform regular checks for moisture issues in and around the home, as well as other buildings on the property such as sheds and barns.

Spring is an optimal time of year to check. The weather is changing and spring showers provide more than enough moisture.

Here is a short checklist of items to check on your property:

  • Check plumbing lines under home for even small leaks
  • Insure exterior faucets seal tightly and do not drip
  • Tall grassy areas can hide pools of water that might otherwise be visible. Walk the perimeter of your property.
  • Downspouts and gutters can hold unwanted water if they are not regularly cleaned out.
  • Look for places standing water can collect – lawn ornaments, bird baths, old tires, decaying woods and even pool covers.
  • Check the ventilation for your attics and crawl spaces. These ventiations will help keep the area dry and have fresh air circulating.

Despite having a well maintained home, unwanted pests can still be a problem. If you notice any evidence of pests in or around your home, we recommend the issue to be looked at quickly before a larger issue arises. 

Avoiding Flea Problems

Monday, May 11th, 2020

If you’ve got pets, then you’ve probably encountered fleas in your home. The parasitic pests may start off by hopping a ride on your dog or cat, but they’re perfectly content to settle for human blood, too. And they’ll go after any warm body within reach.

First, keep your house cleaned and vacuumed regularly. If you find an adult flea, chances are it has already laid hundreds of eggs. This can remove existing flea populations and prevent egg laying.

Keep your yard groomed. Fleas feed on rodents and other small animals that find refuge and even food sources in overgrown bush. If the rodents are there, the fleas will be too. This may be hard for some pet owners to hear, but keeping them on a leash even in your own backyard can help avoid fleas.

Speaking of rodents, if you have a rodent problem, you may very well have a flea problem as well.

Bathe and groom your pets often, especially in summer. Flea treatments, as prescribed by your veterinarian, can help.

Texas Heat Means Increased Termite Activity

Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

Termites are a problem that you never see coming. By the time you’ve found them the damage is often extensive. Especially as the weather warms up, termites can become a serious problem.

One potential problem can come from swarming termites. The good news is that the swarming termites that fly around in spring and summer do not bite, sting or even eat wood. Swarming termites’ job is to find a new home, to build a new colony.

The bad news is that the presence of these swarmers means that a colony is nearby, either already in your home or nearby, ready to expand into your area.

Don’t let your home become their base of operations this year. Schedule a home inspection with one of our licensed professionals at Hitman Pest Control today!

Swarming Carpenter Ants

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

An insect that you should look out for in and around your home this spring are carpenter ants. Similar to termites, carpenter ants can damage the wood in your walls, ceilings and foundation as they make paths throughout the structure.

The carpenter ants that we mostly deal with around our area are the red and black colored species.

One of the signs of infestation is swarming, which often occurs around this time of year. During swarming, some of the ants make a one-time flight and then die soon after. If you see large winged ants in or around your home, you likely have a colony nearby.

Most home ant infestations indicate the presence of a moisture problem, either plumbing or weather related. Problem areas often include areas around doors, windows, chimney flashing and so forth.

The good news is that we have very effective bait that has proven very effective. The local ants love it, sometimes carrying it back to the nest before we’re done.

Do you suspect the presence of these or similar pests? Schedule a home inspection with one of our licensed professionals at Hitman Pest Control today!

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(210) 637-1130 Bexar County, (830) 228-4484 Comal County