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Avoiding Flea Infestations

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Avoiding Flea Infestations

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Flea infestations are very unpleasant to say the least, both for you and your pets. Preventing fleas starts with understanding how fleas are introduced into your home in the first place.

Most of the time, fleas enter the home when a pet brings them in from the yard. Fleas use animals as hosts, and they can jump large distances, which allows them to jump on passing animals. This allows them to travel great distances, right into your yard and then into your home.

Fleas can also travel on old furniture, infested clothing, linens or even the clothing of a human guest whose home is infected. Because of their small size, they can directly enter your home through cracks in the floor, window seals or screens.

Only a few fleas are needed to start an infestation because they can can lay hundreds of eggs before they die. After a few days the eggs hatch and the larvae spin cocoons and emerge after several weeks.

To get rid of fleas, you should begin by washing or trashing and bedding or blankets where the fleas’ ‘hosts’ spend their time. The cocoons are resistant to insecticide, but after using a flea treatment, frequent vacuuming will encourage the fleas to exit the cocoons, where they will be vulnerable to the insecticide.

If your flea infestation doesn’t get better after about a month, it may be time to re-treat or call a professional.

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Friday, August 7th, 2020

Does it seem impossible to keep spiders out of your home? Spiders and their webs seem to regularly appear no matter how well your home is sealed and cleaned.

Avoiding Flea Problems

Monday, May 11th, 2020

If you’ve got pets, then you’ve probably encountered fleas in your home. The parasitic pests may start off by hopping a ride on your dog or cat, but they’re perfectly content to settle for human blood, too. And they’ll go after any warm body within reach.

First, keep your house cleaned and vacuumed regularly. If you find an adult flea, chances are it has already laid hundreds of eggs. This can remove existing flea populations and prevent egg laying.

Keep your yard groomed. Fleas feed on rodents and other small animals that find refuge and even food sources in overgrown bush. If the rodents are there, the fleas will be too. This may be hard for some pet owners to hear, but keeping them on a leash even in your own backyard can help avoid fleas.

Speaking of rodents, if you have a rodent problem, you may very well have a flea problem as well.

Bathe and groom your pets often, especially in summer. Flea treatments, as prescribed by your veterinarian, can help.

6 Easy Ways to Pest-Proof Your Home

Friday, March 6th, 2020

By following a few easy steps, you can create a hostile environment for bugs and other pests, reducing bugs & infestations, avoiding damage to your property and saving money in the long run. 

  1. Seal cracks, gaps & openings: Check walls, doors, windows and foundation for cracks and gaps. Check weather stripping on doors and windows, and repair holes in screens. Use sealing materials like caulk to close off any entry points. 
  2. Maintain a clean kitchen: Pests are enticed by food sources, so regularly wiping down the kitchen and ensuring all food is stored in sealed containers is crucial to avoid drawing pests’ attention to the home. 
  3. Give your pets a dining space:  Give your pet a dining area on a rubber mat. This makes spilled food easier to spot and clean up. If you’re having an ant problem with pet food left on the floor, put the food bowl into a larger bowl with water in it — the ants can’t cross the moat to get to the food. 
  4. Store firewood properly: Woodpiles can be an attractive home to many pests and should therefore be stored at least 20 feet away from the home and thoroughly examined before bringing indoors. 
  5. Be mindful of the home’s exterior: Remove any nearby debris or leaves that could serve as shelter for pests or create a source of standing water for pests to quench their thirst. 
  6. Partner with a pest control professional: Regular pest control maintenance can help you avoid costly long-term problems and damage to your property from bugs and pests.

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(210) 637-1130 Bexar County, (830) 228-4484 Comal County